
4 A Special Person in A Special Slice of Time

Archive - Fuck You! ... sounds more like a self-reflection. 

For those who can't wait: at the end it's a .... but.
Coldplay- The Scientist.
Niemand hat gesagt, es sei leicht
Es ist so eine Schande, dass wir uns trennen
Niemand hat gesagt, es sei leicht
Niemand hat je gesagt, es würde so schwer werden

Oh bring mich zurück zum Anfang

Ich war nur am Raten
bei Nummern und Figuren
Das Puzzle auseinandernehmend
Fragen der Wissenschaft
Wissenschaft und Fortschritt
Sprechen nicht so laut wie mein Herz

Sag mir, dass du mich liebst
Komm zurück und jage mich
Oh, und ich eile zum Anfang

Wir drehen uns im Kreis
Jagen wie ein Hund dem eigenen Schwanz hinterher
Sind am Ende keinen Schritt weiter
Niemand hat gesagt, es sei leicht
Es ist so eine Schande, dass wir uns trennen
Niemand hat gesagt, es sei leicht
Niemand hat je gesagt, es würde so schwer werden

Ich gehe zum Anfang zurück.

Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ah ooh ooh ooh ooh
Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Kings Of Leon - Closer 

Stranded in this spooky town 
Stoplights are swaying and the phone lines are down 
This floor is crackling cold 
She took my heart, I think she took my soul 
With the moon I run 
Far from the carnage of the fiery sun 

Driven by the strangled vein 
Showing no mercy I do it again 
Open up your eye 
You keep on crying, baby 
I'll bleed you dry 
The skies are blinking at me 
I see a storm bubbling up from the sea 

And it's coming closer 
And it's coming closer 

You, shimmy shook my bone 
Leaving me stranded all in love on my own 
What do you think of me 
Where am I now? Baby where do I sleep 
Feel so good but I'm old, 
2000 years of chasing taking its toll 

And it's coming closer

What else ?... something else! Ade!
In German "Ade" is a special word for "Good Bye".
In Swabian, which is a part of Germany, "Adele" is a merry farewell... in this respect it's a rather positiv aspect of this song.   

Current 93

I had gathered some flowers
To lay upon your face
Though you were not gone
From the realm of the quick
I saw all the rainclouds
Being driven on forward
By horses long numbered
And featureless and free
And i wanted to call you a wife
Though I couldn't stop glancing at the signs

And the four heads of men
And all that they carried
And the four wombs of women
And all that they promised
And I wanted to write for you
Songs poems and bibles
Your face spotted with pearls
And hand-cuffed to Christ
But I couldn't stop watching the signs

I had seen the news
That the Trojan beast
Already and not yet
No longer near
Nor close at hand
Nor at the door
Is finally here
The great in the small

Coil - Dark River

"Whenever i listen to "Dark River", it reminds of this time my friends and i went out to this bridge over a river. the moon was out, and the sky was totally clear. we were all pretty high, and we put these candles on boats made of newspaper and set them adrift in the river. the "boats" all blew off to one bank of the river and sat there in the grass on the bank. it looked like the bridge was several hundred miles above the water, and the boats were little houses, with light coming from fires in their fireplaces. it was quite beautiful, but also very sad for some reason...that song is inexorably tied to that memory for me. - "The Black Sun" from Coil discography 

Death in June - Crush My Love

A broken dream
Hangs over life
I feel no pain
I feel nothing

Like wmpty shells
Like coffins
Just emptiness
Just emptiness

Nine Inch Nail - Hurt

I hurt myself today, to see if I'd still feel.I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real.
The needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting; Try to kill it all away, But I remember everything.
What have I become,
My sweetest friend?
Everyone I know,
Goes away in the end.
You could have it all,
My empire of dirt.
I will let you down,
I will make you hurt...
I wear this crown of shit, upon my liar's chair, full of broken thoughts,I cannot repair.
Beneath the stains of time, the feelings disappear. You are someone else,I am still right here.
What have I become,
My sweetest friend?
Everyone I know,
Goes away in the end.
And you could have it all,
My empire of dirt,
I will let you down,
I will make you hurt.
If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself, I would find a way.

The Strokes - Is This It?!

Zos Kia / Jhonn Balance 1984
oh great , thanks for this, epic intro and unbelievable drive, this is pure Jhonn ... let him rest in balance .
The great red line  through the 80s
Wolfgangfm vor 1 Stunde

Coil - Nasa Arab

King Crimson - Prelude / Islands
Der Trifidnebel (auch als Messier 20 oder NGC 6514 bezeichnet) ist ein Emissions- und Reflexionsnebel im Sternbild Schütze. Der Name stammt von dem lateinischen Wort trifidus „dreigeteilt, dreigespalten“, da eine dunkle Staubwolke (Barnard 85) den Nebel dreiteilt. 

David Sylvian - I Surrender 
I opened up the pathway of the heart
The flowers died embittered from the start

That night I crossed the bridge of sighs and I surrendered

I looked back and glimpsed the outline of a boy
His life of sorrows now collapsing into joy

And tonight the stars are all aligned and I surrender
My mother cries beneath a southern sky and I surrender

Recording angels and the poets of the night
Bring back the trophies of the battles that we fight

Searchlights fill the open skies and I surrender

Outrageous cries of love have called you back
Derailed the trains of thought, demolished wayward tracks

You tell me I've no need to wonder why I just surrender

I stand too close to see the sleight of hand
How she found this child inside the frightened man

Tonight I'm learning how to fly and I surrender

I've travelled all this way for your embrace
Enraptured by the recognition on your face

Hold me now while my old life dies tonight and I surrender
My mother cries beneath the open skies and I surrender

An ancient evening just before the fall
The light in your eyes, the meaning of it all

Birds fly and fill the summer skies and I surrender

She throws the burning books into the sea
"Come find the meaning of the word inside of me"

It's alright the stars are all aligned and I surrender
My mother cries beneath the moonlit skies and I surrender

My body turns to ashes in her hands
The disappearing world of footprints in the sand

Tell me now that this love will never die and I'll surrender
My mother cries beneath the open skies and I surrender


On and on and on we'll stay together yeah
On and on and on we'll be together yeah
You and I will try to stay together yeah
On and on and on we'll be together yeah
Please don't cry we're designed to die
Don't deny what's inside
On and on and on we'll stay together yeah
On and on and on On and on and on
One day we'll disappear together in a dream
However short or long our lives are going to be
I will live in you or you will live in me
Until we disappear together in a dream
Please don't cry we're designed to die
You can't deny even the gentlest tide
On and on and on we'll be together yeah
On and on and on On and on and on
We're going to try
Please don't cry
This world of words and meanings makes you feel outside
Something that you feel already deep inside You've denied
Go ahead and cry
On and on and on we'll stay together yeah
On and on and on On and on and on
You and I will stay together yeah
You and I will try to make it better yeah

Jimi Tenor

The Residents

This is a man's world, this is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

You see, man made the cars to take us over the road
Man made the trains to carry heavy loads
Man made electric light to take us out of the dark
Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark

This is a man's, a man's, a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

Man thinks about a little baby girls and a baby boys
Man makes then happy 'cause man makes them toys
And after man has made everything, everything he can
You know that man makes money to buy from other man

This is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

He's lost in the wilderness
He's lost in bitterness

Brian Eno


Meine Hände, meine Arme, meine Beine, mein Körper und ich
das Unveränderliche, Unzerstörbare, Selbst, Ich .
Der Mittelpunkt, der Zellkern der gesamten menschlichen Zellkultur.
Bin ich, ist Ich in jeder Zelle?
Wohl kaum ist „Ich“ die Summe des genetischen Materials,
als wäre die Musik im Schaltplan des Radios.
Gibt es Überflüssiges, Festgewordenes, das sich abstreifen lässt,
das sich abwerfen lässt wie Ballast, Sandsäcke aus einem Freiballon?
Schicht für Schicht: Epidermis, Mesenchym und Lederhaut. Fasern, Muskeln,
Sehnen, Fleisch, Kapillare, Venen, Adern, Fettgewebe, Nervenbahnen, Knochen,
Mark, Gebein. Und wo oder was ist übrig?
Das „Ich“ behauptet, solange eine Zunge, eine fuchtelnde Hand:
„Ich“ behaupten kann? Das wenn möglich auch noch kopflos behauptet.
(Wie Cephalophoren, mit einem Hieb, einen Kopf kürzer)
Das was passiert in der Liebe, die Entgrenzung, das Ausufern oder
die Betäubung, bis zu einem Punkt, dem Punkt wo nur noch „etwas“ übrigbleibt.
Die taube Nuss (die sich nicht entwickelt hat), überhaupt: Entwicklung,
als wäre etwas aufgewickelt, Ariadnes Faden, der zur vollen Länge ausgestreckt,
verbraucht werden müsste. Immer an der Wand lang, ist todsicher,
der Weg aus dem Garten, dem Irrgarten.
Ich irre zum Zeitvertreib, als würde sich sonst die Zeit auf mich stürzen, wie ein aasfressendes Tier.
Lassen wir das Ganze einköcheln!
Wir schauen in den Strom der schon Verstorbenen, die den Zeitfluss heruntertreiben,
durchs Delta , zur Mündung, ins offene kosmische Meer.
Kommen da noch welche? Haben die Leichen irgendwas zu sagen?
Ausser: Seht! Skandal! Wir sind die, die ihr erst sein werdet! Wir sind da! Ihr nicht!
But death stays hated to all of human nature
it tears down hope almost to the ground
Das Fundament steht an der falschen Stelle, man hätte dieses Haus in den Himmel setzen sollen,
damit die Götter sterben, regelmässig und in zeitlich klassischen Proportionen.
Der Goldene Schnitt durch die Kehle eines verehrbaren Himmelskörpers,
der daraufhin sein göttliches Blut in kurzen Stössen in den himmlischen Sommermorgen,
weil es immer Sommer ist, verschiesst, bis man/frau, ich eingeschlossen sagen kann:
Endlich, unendlich, in Ruhe gelassen, aber beweglich, frei zu lärmen, ohne Schuld!

Malcom Mclaren † 8. April 2010


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